Monday, June 10, 2013

New Campaign, David A. Trampier, Vin Diesel

Yesterday, the new campaign began. The players that were able to attend had their PCs meet in Briar's Tavern. We role-played the necessary events in the tavern to get the PCs to move over to a publishing house and take on jobs as monster hunters. The players and I had previously decided this would be a neat way to get them tasking together.

Since we're doing this PBEM with the occasionally hangout event, I've decided to add visual prompts to the text descriptions I'll be giving. It seems to be working for now. I'll keep the readers updated on this. It feels experimental to me.

Hopefully we'll have a couple more players joining today. It's been my experience that PBEM slows down during the week. That'll be perfect for the other players to get caught up.

Here's a couple gamey  links:

Check out this cool Trampier article.

A neat interview where Vin Diesel talks about gaming.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Chronology of Creation According to the Adherents of Ukko.

 0 Revolutions After Ignition (RAIs)

Aeternus and Despiria, the two Grand Heavens, and a handful of minor heavens exist in isolation. They are and will be. The Gods sleep.

Ukko, Supreme God of the Sky and Heavens, Light of the Known Realms, sleeps on Aeternus. Around him all is not. Ukko stirs. The weight of his leap to consciousness shatters the isolation of each of the heavens. They become entwined. Ukko stands. He is without alignment.

 Ukko reaches deep into his own throat and retrieves his heart from his chest. He halves the heart and returns the first half. Ukko does not smile. He does not weep. He simply is. Around the second half of his heart He begins to build the grand genesis machine of the heavens; for no reason but he must. Ukko becomes neutral good.

Antarkus wakes on Despiria. He is without alignment. Antarkus stands upright and gazes across the vast nothing to Aeternus. With despair, he  looks upon the skeleton of the genesis machine. The heart of the genesis machine beats strongly but no vessels exist to bring blood to its cold extremities. He is possessed by jealousy and rage. Antarkus has no heart even for himself.

Antarkus labors to destroy the genesis machine of the heavens  He fails to completely destroy it, but successfully acquires its heart. He becomes neutral Evil.

Ukko travels to Despiria to retrieve the heart of the genesis machine. Antarkus refuses and the two meet in battle. Ukko is wounded by Antarkus. Ukko is bound and branded with the Pain of Antarkus. Blood is spilled and the two gods become entwined. Antarkus becomes Chaotic Evil. Ukko becomes Lawful Good. For no reason but that each must be the anti-thesis of the other.

Ukko breaks free and ultimately overcomes Antarkus. Antarkus perishes. Antarkus is laid to rest on Despiria. Ukko weeps and walks Despiria for the Long Penitence. Ultimately, Ukko heals, but the Pain of Antarkus is permanently branded on him. See Parable A: Self-Flagellation and the Long Penitence.

Ukko completes and ignites the genesis machine of the heavens and rechristens it the Infinitum, Creator of Light and Matter -- Engine and Meter of Time. Ukko seats himself and watches as creation reaches out before him and all become.

1 RAIs

The light of Ukko begins its long tour through the heavens.

200  RAIs

The Light of Ukko reaches Despiria and Antarkus is resurrected. Seeing he cannot destroy the Infinitum, he vows to destroy everything else touched by the light of Ukko.

400 RAIs

The light of Ukko reaches the Minor Heavens. Each of the minor gods awakens and looks back to Infinitum. The heart of Infinitum beats loud and true. Creation expands and all continues to become.

1000 RAIs

The light of Ukko pools in places. The pools coalesce and The Stars are born with Ukko's favor.

1001 RAIs

The stars begin their long tour around Infinitum. Occasionally they turn to Ukko for guidance.

1523 RAIs 

The light of creation reaches the vicinity of the known worlds. Ukko dreams of a multitude to wander the vastness of creation. He binds the light of creation to his will and the known worlds become. On this world, home of your sect, Ukkan, Ukko again reaches deep into his throat and retrieves his Heart. He halves the Heart and returns the first half. The second half he gives to the trees, the seas, and the mountains. Ukko begins to walk this world.

1524 RAIs

Ukko ends the Long Survey and christens the world Ukko's Gate. Ukko returns to Aeternus.

1525 RAIs

The trees, the seas, and the mountains give birth to the good races of Ukko's Gate. The good races are bound to wander the vastness of creation. For no other reason than they must.

- Copied from the remaining transcripts of Friar Melwane's, now legendary, 5376 RAIs communication with the Aerial Maidservant of Ukko.

C. Aaron Aldridge 2013

20 FAQS about our current PBEM campaign.

What is the deal with my cleric's religion?

See post on pantheon and the as yet unfinished creation myth.

Where can we go to buy standard equipment?

Closest is Monty's Best Gear in the town of Invid.

Where can we go to get platemail custom fitted for this monster I just befriended?

You'll have to go into Nyminty City for that. Ask for Nylund at the Blacksmith's guild

Who is the mightiest wizard in the land? 

That would be Elanion. He lives in a tower to the east.

Who is the greatest warrior in the land?

That's king Jerrik. He lives in the palace in Nyminty city

Who is the richest person in the land?

That's probably Yilk Uniom. He maintains a private garrison in Uniom Keep to the South.

Where can we go to get some magical healing?

Talk to Dreth, Elanion's right hand man.

Where can we go to get cures for the following conditions: poison, disease, curse, level drain, lycanthropy, polymorph, alignment change, death, undeath?

The temple of Ukko, atop the highest of the Garwar peaks

Is there a magic guild my MU belongs to or that I can join in order to get more spells?

Sure, talk to Dreth.

Where can I find an alchemist, sage or other expert NPC?

The appropriate guild hall in Nyminty City.

Where can I hire mercenaries?

Uniom Keep.

Is there any place on the map where swords are illegal, magic is outlawed or any other notable hassles from Johnny Law?

Public places in the city and Jerrik's Palace.

Which way to the nearest tavern?

You've been to Briar's. There are a few more in the area.

What monsters are terrorizing the countryside sufficiently that if I kill them I will become famous?

An excellent question. You'll have to talk to NPCs for that information.

Are there any wars brewing I could go fight?

Not in Mirranor. 

How about gladiatorial arenas complete with hard-won glory and fabulous cash prizes?

Not in Mirranor.

Are there any secret societies with sinister agendas I could join and/or fight?

Another excellent question. NPCs are a great source of information.

What is there to eat around here?

Briar's serves a damn fine sauer potato salad!

Any legendary lost treasures I could be looking for?

Yes. Start by talking to NPCs.

Where is the nearest dragon or other monster with Type H treasure?

The meanest baddies are said to dwell in The Black Hole, far to the East. There are, however, a multitude of places to enter the Deep Dark around Mirranor.

The Delver's Field Guide II: Darwallian

Darwallian (High Kobold)

CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Deep subterranean
FREQUENCY: Uncommon at depth, Very rare else
DIET: Omnivorous
INTELLIGENCE: High (13-14)
ALIGNMENT: Lawful Neutral
NO. APPEARING: 3d4, 3d% in lair
ARMOR CLASS: By armor type (10)
THAC0: 19
DAMAGE/ATTACK: by weapon
SIZE: M (6')
MORALE: Average (8-10)

Darwallians are very similar to their ubiquitous cousins, Kobolds, except for a few minor, but striking, differences.

Appearance: Darwallians are very lithe and twice the height of the common Kobold. They prefer to wear loose, comfortable clothing that can double as bedding if necessary.  To increase their speed when fleeing from predators, Darwallians have regained the ability to travel rapidly on all fours, and will do so if the need arises. Darwallians are blind to all wavelengths of light except infrared.

Combat: Darwallians are a peaceful, agrarian race. They will avoid combat unless their small nest-like homes are endangered. Still yet, Darwallians are skilled weapon-smiths and armorers. A typical traveling group will be unarmed except for dirks. In their den, however, all mature male Darwallians will have a stockpile of arms, typically shortswords and hide or scale armor. Most often, if confronted outside of their lair, Darwallians will flee through a series of warren-like tunnels designed to confuse predators.

Society: Darwallian life is focused around agriculture, horticulture, and art. When this isn't enough, groups of mature males will range 1d4 miles from the den, hunting small subterranean game. A Darwallian den is typically very clean and arranged geometrically in a rounded, spoke-like fashion. Nurseries and other more vulnerable nests will be located near the hub of the den; while more powerful nests, such as families with multiple mature males, will be arranged on the outermost edges of the den. Political power is derived from the potency of one's art as judged by a group of 6-12 elderly females called the Council of Mothers. As such, males are dissuaded from pursuing art. Their attention is guided toward the overall health of the den. Population apportionment: 30% mature female, 30% mature male, 30% immature male and female, 7% elderly female, 3% elderly male. Maximum life expectancy for female Darwallians is 110 years -- 95 for males.

Darwallians speak a complicated language. Syntax is reversed from common and the words are bastardizations of Goblin, Orc, and Duergar. Darwallians are, by their nature, very social creatures. If approached cautiously with gifts, Darwallians are happy to communicate and trade with any creature of a lawful alignment. Most Darwallians are calm and rational, with one exception -- They despise Kobolds and do not consider themselves related to Kobolds. In minor den disputes it's common to hear Darwallians trade racial slurs such as brother or lover of the Kobolds.

Special note on Darwallian art: The very best of the Darwallian arts, according to the Council of Mothers, is a balanced approach to three devotions: Heat, Scent, and Sound. A common Darwallian performance art piece will include painting walls with hot, aromatic liquids and crooning. This practice may have evolved from an elaborate camouflaging behavior useful in the black depths.

C. Aaron Aldridge 2013

Saturday, June 8, 2013

A Campaign Pantheon

In my RPG group we have a very energetic and thoughtful player that has decided to play his first Cleric class PC. The player is new to tabletop RPGs, but he's picking it up like a skanker at a Madness concert. I've decided to create a personalized pantheon for our campaign setting to help him choose a Deity. Also, I'm hoping this will add a helpful dose of verisimilitude. If an NPC curses a god, the players will now have an actual chart to reference in order of alignment from Lawful Good to Chaotic Evil. Next, I'll use these characters to draw up a creation myth.


Ukko: AL:LG. Supreme god of the Sky and the Air. Responsible for all weather and protects all avian life. His symbol is the Falcon.

Yptus: AL:LN. Brother of Ukko. God of the forests and peaceful places. Responsible for all terrestrial life. His symbol is the Oak.

Ondina: AL:LE. Sister of Ukko. Goddess of the Deepest Waters. Responsible for the seas and all aquatic life. Her symbol is the Whale

Erasimo: AL: NG. God of Society and Government. Responsible for children and the structured growth of peaceful societies. His symbol is the Coin.

Braith: AL: N. Sister of Erasimo. Goddess of Druids and Bards. Responsible for balance in all things. Her symbol is the Open Hand.

Intillian: AL:NE. Sister of Erasimo. Goddess of Darkness and the Deepest Caves. Responsible for subterranean ecosystems. Her symbol is the Blackened Circle.

Nax: AL:CG. Imp-god of Pranks and Wine. Responsible for the unpredictable and associated with miracles. His symbol is the Torch.

Avan: AL:CN. Horned god of Streams, Brooks and Pure Chaos. Responsible for the insane and all shallow waters. His symbol is the Asterisk.

Antarkus: AL:CE. Father of Nax and Avan. Black dragon-god of Greed, Gluttony, Fire, and Death. Responsible for the all things foul, vile, and under-handed. Commonly associated with Monsters and Demons . His symbol is the Tusk.

Soon, I'll have the creation myth completed.

C. Aaron Aldridge 2013

Friday, June 7, 2013

The Delver's Field Guide I: Allen's Greater Wandering Rope

For years now The Delver's Field Guide By Ark Allen has been the go-to manual for adventurers with a flair for studying the ecology of creatures lurking in the deep places. Unfortunately, the Guide was published as an unfinished work due to Allen's untimely demise in the Lair of the Last Zelf.

Missing for decades, the final dozen or so of Allen's planned entries have been unearthed by John James and his Parlor Hounds, a group of delvers and fans of the Guide. J.J. & Co. followed Allen's path down the Miner's Trail into Silance, a poorly-mapped silver mine excavated during the Great Expansion of 3457. After a handful of bizarre events which are chronicled elsewhere, the Co. finally located the Lair of the Last Zelf. Finding the Zelf absent, the party began to comb the area. Ultimately, J.J. and his group returned the precious documents to Allen's original publisher.

We are printing them here with the publisher's consent.

Allen's Greater Wandering Rope

DIET: Carnivore
ALIGNMENT: Neutral (Evil)
THAC0: 15
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Constriction, See Below
SIZE: L (40'-50' Long, 1"-3" Wide)
MORALE: Steady (11)
XP VALUE: 1000xp base + DMs Discretion

Ropes are snake-like creatures that typically roam areas shrouded in perpetual night, such as caves, underground ruins, and mines.
     Unlike reptiles, Ropes are warm-blooded and require no heat source to maintain their body temperature. Ropes can, however, adjust their body temperature at will. Like reptiles, Ropes only need to feed when it's necessary. They have been known to hibernate for several years before returning to their active feeding cycle.
      A Rope's diet typically includes small to man-sized mammals, reptiles, insects, and amphibians. Ropes themselves often fall prey to the largest reptiles in the subterranean realms.
Combat: Over the eons, Ropes have evolved a chameleon-like ability to surprise their prey. When a Rope coils up for hibernation it has the ability to cause itself to resemble a hemp rope of the same proportions. Ropes will also use their chameleon ability while dangling loosely from high points in caverns. If alarmed, ropes will drop on their prey and constrict for 2d4 damage per round. A Rope's bite is non-venomous, but will cause 1d4 points of piercing damage.
     Any long (40'-50') hemp rope found abandoned in a suitable subterranean area has a 2% chance of being a Greater Wandering Rope. Ropes will often remain disguised for as many as 2d10 days before revealing themselves.

C. Aaron Aldridge 2013

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Suspension of Disbelief Through Item Back Story Part 4

4. The item is riddled with notches of varying width and depth. (A successful INT check at a penalty of 8 will reveal the notches serve some purpose. Another successful INT check will reveal the notches are an intelligently designed code. 1 day spent researching in a library of significant size will reveal the message: 'Lank Wool has the object of our attention.')

For now I'm going to move on to some different subjects I want to tackle. When I get around to it, I'll add a few more entries to this table.

c. Aaron Aldridge 2013

Suspension of Disbelief Through Item Back Story Part 3

3. The item is lightly covered with a thick, sticky, brown goop. (33% chance the PCs will notice the goop if they are not actively checking for abnormalities. The substance is extremely viscous. If left to hang, it will only form droplets and release them once every 1d6 days. The goop smells of anise and some other exotic plant. A successful wisdom check will determine the scent is obscure and requires research. Any M/U above level 6 and adept in potioncraft will reveal the mysterious scent is released after the purification process of an ancient stimulant, Garnstalk. Garnstalk is cultivated above the cloud-line in the Northerly reaches of the DaggerSpine Mountains close to the fertile Korben District of Upper Hene.

The stooped and grizzled adherents of Silas, ugliest of the seven sons of Ukko and Demi-god of Shelter and Health, maintain a monastery in the area where Garnstalk grows. Even with the devotion of the Silan Monks, the plant remains very fickle during the growing season. It's just as likely to lie down and become mulch for its neighbor as it is to yield the single seed used to produce the stimulant.

After harvest, the seeds are shipped down the mountain by an interconnected set of hand-driven gondolas. In certain areas, the seeds drop in elevation as much 1000 ft./minute. At each landing point the seeds are removed from the first gondola, counted, and placed in the second for the next trip down towards the purification houses in the foothills.

Once the seed reaches its final destination, it is alchemically purified and enhanced until it reaches its usable, syrupy form. Then, it is shipped to the local municipalities that house and distribute it to dealers in foreign lands.

Colloquial names 1d6:
1. Daughter of Garn
2. Garn's Window
3. The Sin of Ukko
4. Wee Mind
5. Dal's Better Days
6. Noose

The stimulant is most potent if consumed, but some users also burn the stimulant and inhale the fumes. Each one gram dose lends the imbiber a +1 bonus to STR and DEX checks -1 penalty to INT and WIS checks, and a +2 bonus to initiative and reaction adjustments. At the DMs discretion, each dose has a 2% cumulative chance of causing physically dependency. Combined with a depressant such as wine or ale, the stimulant causes an intensely euphoric and hypnotic state referred to as Endrin's Sleep by the addicts who crave the mixture.

C. Aaron Aldridge 2013

Suspension of Disbelief Through Item Back Story Part 2

Map 2.1:

2. A greenish-blue dweomer surrounds the item. (PCs with an INT above 16 who remain within 5' of the item for more than 10 rounds will become obsessed with the item. Obsessed PCs will attempt to gain control of the item, but will not act out of accordance with their alignment. If an obsessed PC maintains control of the item for 4 days, that PC will begin to have choppy, achronological visions consisting of the following information. See Background 2.2. The visions will continue for as long as the PC maintains control of the item. 

Background 2.2:

Me-Shel Al-Shakir stands on the lee side of a giant, rippling dune. Behind him, tracks in the sand lead backward to the summit of the dune and beyond. Al-Shakir holds a hand to his forehead, shielding his eyes from the raging sun. A dry wind moves up the dune knocking sand into Al-Shakir's grim, sun-hardened face. He pulls the loose end of his turban across his mouth and secures it under a fold of fabric. White robes billowing, Al-Shakir begins to descend the dune. 

Al-Shakir moves cautiously through the deserted streets of San Marcos. Until recently, San Marcos was the last Ukkan-held oasis on the desert trade route from San Fernando to Al-Saharwi, a lesser-populated city on the outskirts of the Medianic Kingdom. Out of habit, Al-Shakir glances upward occasionally to navigate by the stars. Tonight he only notices the heat crawling off the low, white buildings. Just beyond the shoulder of a massive, carved-stone likeness of Ukko, the moon dances a slow waltz in the rising heat. Al-Shakir touches a toe on the colossus and a hidden man-sized entrance is revealed. Al-Shakir looks over his shoulder one last time and enters the passageway.

The stink of carrion is enough to make Al-Shakir wretch as he reaches into the recently spilled guts of a desert dwelling basilisk-kin. The torchlight flickers. Al-Shakir leans in close to peer at the contents of the slain reptile's oozing paunch. Soon, he finds his prize among the other odd, undigested items hiding there. PCs will recognize this as the dweomered item they have found. At this point, though, the item does not cast a noticeable aura. Al-Shakir crouches and studies the item for a few moments. Torchlight glints on his finely-honed scimitar as he disappears into the darkness surrounding the area.

Blood runs freely from the outer corners of Al-Shakir's eyes. His mouth is frozen in a silent howl of pain. The front of Al-Shakir's robes are stained crimson. Small pools of blood collect on the agate-decorated floor. Four, giant, desiccated humanoids help Al-Shakir move to a kneeling position. Al-Shakir raises the item above his bowed head in a horrific act of supplication. Suddenly the humanoids' dried, paper-like skin is shredded and blown outwards as a deafening boom fills the area. The bones of the humanoids pile around Al-Shakir. Al-Shakir falls prone on the floor and the item clatters and rolls away from his hemorrhaging head. Al-Shakir looks at the item with bulging eyes. A thread of greenish-blue mist trails from Al-Shakir's mouth to the item.

The obsessed PC will soon begin to see detailed points on a map. See Map 2.1. The map is of a fortified town located well to the north of the Mid-World Sea. Ultimately, the PC will be become aware of a temple in the city at area C3 on the map. The temple houses the other three items of a set that includes the found item. After this point the visions cease and the PC will no longer be obsessed with the item.)

More table items to come!

C. Aaron Aldridge 2013

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Suspension of Disbelief Through Item Back Story

The PCs locate a well-worn pair of leather boots lying near a small opening in the west wall of the cavern. Arlen, the party's 3rd level thief, finds the boots to be quite comfortable and, strangely, relaxing. He chucks his old pair in roughly the same spot. The party finishes searching the area and moves to the next room.

Even something as relatively mundane as the basic treasure horde can add to the verisimilitude of  an adventure or a campaign setting. How did the boots get there? Who was the previous owner? Was he wealthy or poor? Does he have any family? Was he a victim of the Will o' the Wisps the PCs recently encountered? Do the boots have any properties unknown to the party? If so, how were they imbued with these properties?

Below is a table listing a number of reasons an item came to rest where the party found it. Of course, the DM will be required to make these listings item-specific to their campaign. Items in parentheses are intended for the DM only.

How did that get there? 

1. The item is branded with the initials WJS. The elegant monogram is set off with six stars of various sizes.. (The PCs may be aware that the pattern of six stars is used as an identifying insignia by the Society of Known Adventurers, a loosely organized delving guild based out of Lux, a small mining town. SKA also serves as an erstwhile courier group and mercenary pool --  taking on jobs as necessary to fill the guild's coffers when delving yields grim returns. The guild's clientele are of a darker sort, typically lesser nobles and the like, looking to cover up some "indiscretion" from their past.  

Some members of SKA have become quite famous in the area. Others continue to languish in the lower echelons of the guild. If the party pursues the origin of the monogram, they will find that WJS are the initials of "Wicked" Joaquim Summers, a lesser-to-middling member of the guild. Joaquim has made a minor name for himself as one who "makes information irrelevant." As such, any mention of his name in Lux will more than likely be greeted with vitriolic, but harmless, scowls and jeers.

 A strong and heavy-handed investigation will reveal several details about Joaquim's most recent endeavor.  Joaquim has taken on a contract to create a series of damning rumors about a local noble who was attempting to blackmail a well-liked tavern-keep in Lux. The noble, Tick Candelabrum, recently stumbled into a private party held by Cortheart Wire at the The Bald Opposum, one of several taverns Cortheart owns in the area. Cortheart was hosting a particularly disreputable clan of gnomish miners, The Clan of The Four Winds Under Mountain. The festivities had grown ribald after hours of drunken feasting. Accordingly, Tick was able to slip out unnoticed. 

Very few of the human inhabitants of Lux care for the gnomish clans that inhabit the deepest reaches of the mines in Lux. If it was made known that Cortheart had allowed the Four Winds clan to occupy one of his taverns, Cortheart's business would surely suffer. Consequently, Cortheart decided to hire Joaquim to spread malicious lies about Tick and destroy Tick's reputation.

No one seems to know how Joaquim lost his item. Furthermore, no one seems to know Joaquim's current location. The town guard suggests he may have used the north road. Generally, only miners and others with business at the mine use the south road.)

Tick Candelabrum
3rd Level Human Court Thief
STR: 9, DEX: 9, INT: 13, WIS: 11, CHA: 13
THAC0: 19, HP: 8 AC: 5 (Leather+Shield), Rapier (1d6dmg)

Cortheart Wire
4th Level Human Fighter
STR: 15, DEX: 14, INT: 9, WIS: 8, CHA: 13
THAC0: 16, HP: 24, AC: 9 (Keep's Leather Apron), Great Club (1d8+1dmg), Speed: Slow (2 attacks/ 3 rounds)

"Wicked" Joaquim Summers
6th Level Human Thief
STR: 15, DEX: 15, INT: 13, WIS: 14, CHA: 14
THAC0: 18, HP: 16, AC: 5 (Leather+Shield), Short Sword (1d6dmg)

I've decided to cut this table up into several posts. When I complete the table, I'll modify this post to reflect the number of items in the table.

C. Aaron Aldridge 2013